Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wisdom to Those that Ask

During Friday's post, I really had no intention of discussing Christian Modesty, but was merely attacking my own lackadaisical attitude towards dressing habits; still, as I read the post comments, I realize the same applications can be made towards this rather sticky subject.

Some people, like the Pharisees, place all emphasis on the outward appearance. Their list of "Do's and Don'ts" is monumental, as they eye the rest of the world with a certain smugness, because they're not like "them."

So our culture takes it to the opposite extreme: It's only the inside that counts. Follow your heart. Do what "feels good" to you; and who cares what someone else thinks... Is there a balance?

What really matters anyway? The Inside? The Outside? Or have we just got it all Upside Down?

Personally, I went through a time of struggle with this, and if it wasn't for my Beloved, I honestly don't know how far I would have allowed bitterness to take me. I was sick of my own hypocrisy; and the desire to throw off everything I had been taught was so strong at times,- but thankfully my husband kept me in check.

I can't be someone else's conscience (I've got enough problems with my own!) but I can encourage you again through the words of Martin Luther. (Yes, it's my favorite quote!) As the bold monk stood before Emperor Charles V, he bravely declared, "Unless I am shown my error by the Scriptures and plain reason, I cannot recant..." then as all men stood breathless, he continued, "my conscience is captive to the Word of God, and to violate conscience is neither right, nor safe..."

So I ask: Is your conscience captive to the Word of God in this area; or are you worried about a fabricated, man-made list of Do's and Don'ts? Are you seeking to honor your husband and the Lord; or have you thrown caution to the wind- so you can follow what "feels good" at the moment? I don't have all the answers, but I know Someone Who does. If you're truly seeking to follow Him, then He will give wisdom to those that ask... (James 1:5)

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