Monday, March 15, 2010

Heavenly Genetics

Recently, my best friend gave birth to her first son. Soon, the usual comments began to pour in; "Wow, he looks just like his daddy!" And he does. Even his little expressions are very much paternal.

Then, as Baby Ben was being examined last week, someone got right in his face and exclaimed, "Joe, dude--you shrunk!"

Have you ever stopped to marvel at the complexity of DNA? How is it possible that these little ones can come out looking like miniature carbon-copies of their parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, or grandparents?

Yet they do. Time and again, we observe these similarities. Somehow, it seems to surprise us, but it's so common!

Then I began to wonder about my Heavenly Father. Can people see Him, when they look at me? Do they know that I am a daughter of the King? Do I reflect His attributes to those around me? Or is there so much of my sinful nature evident that He is obscured by it?

I've had strangers on the street come up and ask where I go to church. I guess it's obvious that I'm "religious," but, as the hymn-writer says, do they see "Christ only- always, living in me."

The word "Christian" means, "little Christ." Just as Ben Wesley is a miniature of his daddy, so we are to be carbon-copies of our Lord and His heavenly genetics should shine through us daily.

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." (I John 3:2)


  1. Great blog post! Thanks

  2. Maybe one day I'll have a baby that comes out looking like me! :) :) :)

  3. Christie: The older Eden gets, the more I see her Mommy in her. Not just personality, but looks as well. I guess they just come out looking like Daddy. =)
