Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Keeping our Hearts

"But why, Mommy?" the voice of my five-year-old was full of genuine bewilderment, as she climbed onto my knee and gazed into my face searchingly. I had just informed the girls that they couldn't watch a certain movie that had been given to them by a friend. Her tone held no rebellion or defiance, and I knew that, "because I said so" was no answer for this question.

But what should I say? I could go into detail about that particular movie, criticizing the sensual way in which the main character dressed, walked, and talked. I could mention her utter disregard for authority, and the ungodly, autonomous philosophy behind the "just follow your heart" and "do what's right for you" mentality. I could bring up the unbridled witchcraft and sorcery to which they would be exposed, and the list goes on...

But Joanna's only five. I looked back into her eyes and took a deep breath. "Honey, that's not the kind of movie that Mommy and Daddy want you girls to watch..."

Before I could finish my sentence, the quivering voice of my three-year-old broke in next to my elbow, "But Mommy," she sobbed, "we like it!"

Tears filled my eyes as I gathered Felicity onto my lap. Gently, quietly, I explained, "Issy, just because we like something doesn't mean it's good for us."

"You know girls," I continued, "if we were having trouble with lots of rats in the garage, your Daddy would have to poison them. But he wouldn't put the poison in food that the rats don't like. He would put it in something that smells good, looks good, and tastes good. The rats would eat it and want more. But an hour later, they would be dead, because there was just enough poison to kill them.

My audience was listening attentively as I continued, "The people that make those movies don't worship God, and they don't love Jesus. They're going to do everything they can to poison your minds, but they know you wouldn't watch something that was really wicked, would you?" The girls shook their heads emphatically. "So these people take stories that make you feel good inside and they put things in them that don't seem very bad. But eventually, it poisons your mind and makes you distrust God and His Word. It makes you want your own way, rather than listening to your parents or following the Lord."

With wide eyes, Joanna and Felicity gazed at me. I could see their mental wheels turning, "Girls, I know you don't understand all of this right now. But someday you will. Until then, Mommy and Daddy have been given the responsibility of guarding what goes into your minds and your hearts. Can you trust us?"

Big smiles beamed from two faces as they squeezed me affectionately and ran off to play. But the rest of the day, my own words haunted me. How many times have I allowed the world's philosophies to find root in my mind and heart? How many hours have I wasted in front of a black box, feeding upon the husks of the world? I know, compared to many Christians, I'm very picky about what we watch, but we aren't told to compare ourselves by ourselves. Am I emulating my Savior?

In brokenness, I knelt by the bed. His presence seemed so far away, yet I knew that it was my heart that was far from Him.

Thankfully, He is a very gracious Father.

"Keep thy heart with all diligence;
for out of it are the issues of life."
Proverbs 4:23

Related articles:
Feeding Our Emotions
Felicity's Green Thing
Heavenly Genetics


  1. Wonderful post! We have always struggled with explaining the same thing to our children in the past, but I love your analogy. Our kids are 12 & 13 now and finally seem to truly understand our reasoning. We are now seeing them make those right choices on their own. :)

  2. That's great, Jessica! There's truly no greater joy, than to see our children "walking in truth."

    (I really miss Grant and Lexi! Please give them big hugs from me and we'll try to get together soon!)

  3. Sarah Lollar-DavisonJune 16, 2010 at 2:53 PM

    Mary, this is much of what God's been dealing with me on lately. And not even just removing the bad, but replacing it with His word and truth, spending more and more time meditating on it and reading it! Thanks for sharing, as this brought tears to my own eyes!

  4. Thanks for posting your conversation! It's so helpful to ahve the words to explain on their level! Just had a similar conversation with Eden this morning and it didn't go have as well.. keep posting! It's so helpful!!

  5. This was very, very good - and equally sobering as a reminder to me. Thank you, Mary Jo, for this.
