Thursday, January 28, 2010

His Story

"Mommy, are we in a story?" the quiet voice of my four-year old broke gradually into the thoughts tumbling about my head. It took a moment to focus on them- to focus on her.

"A story?" usually Joanna's surface questions have a much deeper meaning, so I gazed into the very serious brown eyes and probed, "what do you mean, honey?"

Her reply came slowly, as she carefully chose her words, "you know, like Mrs. Barker. Are WE in a story?"

Honestly, I tried, but could not contain the smile that crept across my face. Mrs. Barker is a special friend and one of my oldest and most cherished memories. The story of her flight from Estonia during WWII has touched multitudes of people that know and adore her.

For this reason, my Aunt Sheri was compelled, and providentially led, to write the biography of this precious saint, Brigitta Barker, known affectionately to friends and family as "Gita".

We all waited with much anticipation for the book to be published. As always, the Lord's timing is perfect, yet we couldn't help but marvel as "The Long Walk Home" went to publication the very day our daughter Brigitta was born!

My eyes returned to those of my oldest child, as I pondered her question for a moment, "Yes, Joanna. We are in a story- God's story. We may never read about our lives in a book, like Mrs. Barker, but our times are in His hand, and our days are written in His book. We are part of the most beautiful story ever written...His Story.

Click the link below to find out more!

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