Sunday, December 5, 2010

Family Conference 2010

Every year, our church hosts a family conference for the purpose of encouraging us in the training of our children. This year's guest speaker, Voddie Baucham, and our own pastor, Jeff Pollard, were incredible blessings as they fed us with God's Word. With topics ranging from courtship to adoption, discipline and biblical man-hood, I think we were all enriched by this series.

Since I can't even begin to do it justice, I just wanted to let you know that most of the sermons are already on Sermon Audio, where they can be downloaded for free. I would encourage anyone with children to listen to as many as you can. But especially...

The Importance of Biblically Disciplining Children

The Importance of Biblically Preparing for Marriage

I really hope they post the sermon on Adoption soon. It was incredibly thought-provoking and challenged my thinking in a lot of different ways.

You should be able to order the entire series from Mount Zion soon. It's not on their website yet, but I imagine they will offer them in CD and DVD form. 

If any of my readers were at the conference or have listened to some of the sermons, please leave a comment below with any thoughts you may have. How were you blessed and/or challenged through these messages?


  1. I really enjoyed both the messages on Adoption and on Biblically Disciplining your children. I need to listen to that last one about once a week! The Sunday morning message on Christlike Manhood was good too about man's relationship with his work and the law. Never realized that God put gold and onyx inthe garden, but you don't need those to garden - God was intending the garden to be developed into something else! :) (Hint: the New Jerusalem isn't a garden, it's a city!) :)

  2. I really enjoyed the weekend, too! It was amazing, thought-provoking, and uplifting. My favorite message....hmm...they were all really good, but I think the one he did on Friday night was my favorite - What Father's Should Look for in a Suitor. I took a lot of notes in that one! ;-)

    - Katy
